
Strength Standards for Men in all the Big 3 Lifts!

The weights are being considered in respect with 1 rep max. #1 BENCH PRESS 1x Bodyweight - Newbie Gains 1.25x Bodyweight - Good 1.5x Bodyweight - Above Average 1.75x Bodyweight - Powerlifter 2x Bodyweight - Elite #2 DEADLIFT 1x Bodyweight - Not satisfactory 1.5x Bodyweight - Newbie 2x Bodyweight - Good 2.5x Bodyweight - Above Average 2.75x Bodyweight - Awesome 3x Bodyweight - Powerlifter 3.25x Bodyweight - Elite #3 SQUATS 1x Bodyweight - Noob 1.25x Bodyweight - Average 1.5x Bodyweight - Good 1.75x Bodyweight - Above Average 2x Bodyweight - Excellent 2.5x Bodyweight - Powerlifter 3x Bodyweight - Elite

How do you grow huge traps naturally?

The most muscular pose is primarily known for its trap showcasing. It presents a whole new level of physique if one has good trap musculature. However, it is equally hard to grow those stubborn trap muscles naturally. I emphasized the word naturally because whenever someone goes on some sort of androgenic steroids, the most prominent muscle will be his or her trap muscles. It goes without saying that, shrugs is the best trap builder but there are other exercises as well that contribute towards its development like the deadlift, farmer's carry, and rear delt work. In order to grow your traps, you need to overtrain them and there is no other way. So, make sure to train your traps heavy for at least 3 times a day or more.

Why did I switched towards a vegetarian diet!

We all are very enthusiastic about our protein intake and research a lot about even the minute debatable issues like how fast vegetarian source of protein gets digested as compared to paneer et cetera. However, we focus a comparatively less on our workout routine and are completely dependent on our diet, like, quite recently, I have seen people not willing to even workout without a pre workout dose. How funny is that? I was used to a pure non vegetarian lifestyle which included fish, chicken and eggs but not on a daily basis and suffered a lot of blockage in spiritual journey and digestion problems. So, I thought of switching towards vegetarianism slowly and steadily and the result was pretty good as I achieved a overall satisfactory tone increase in my body and maintained good level of strength. The only thing to which our body responds is to that of change and progress. So, adopt vegetarian diet and experience a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise variations you should add in your workout routine to make it interesting!

One should only opt for these variations when one is able to reach his maximum potential with these exercises. #1 Flat Bench Press (Max. Potential - 1.5x bodyweight for 1 rep) Alternative - Feet Up Bench Press #2 Deadlift (Max. Potential - 2.75x bodyweight for a rep) Alternative - Deficit/Romanian DL #3 Barbell Curls (Max. Potential - 1x Bodyweight for a rep) Alternative - Strict Curls #4 Squats  (Max. Potential - 2x Bodyweight for a rep) Alternative - Paused Squats for 3-6 Seconds #5 Dips (Max. Potential - 30 Reps/+ 25 KG for 5 Reps) Alternative - Russian Dips

Should you train abs with heavy weights?

Assuming that, abs are also muscles, so you must train them heavy to have them is an utterly dad notion and will only result in lower back pain and mobility issues. The key to having ripped abs is engaging your core in each and every exercise and training then with very high repetitions, that is, anything ranging from 15 - 200 repetitions depending on the type of the exercise. You can add a little weight to your routine when you are able to perform very high repetitions, like, if you can easily hold plank for 5 minutes and more easily then you can add a 10 pounds extra.

How to know if someone is on steroids?

If a guy is better looking, stronger and bigger than you, that doesn't always mean he is using on some sort of steroids. People with better genetics can get the best of the results with proper training even without the use of steroids however not to that extent wherein they can beat a heavy steroid user in a bodybuilder competition. The number one sign that a person is on steroids is great traps and side deltoid development as these are the parts that have high androgen receptors. The second sign is the development of back acne and face acne however this occurs during the puberty stage as well, so this point is applicable to people over 23 years of age. The third point is that, they are bigger and shredded, which is not possible in case of natural bodybuilding, either you are natural and bigger or natural and shredded not both. The fourth point is that, sudden muscle growth within a very short span of time.

The best ever technique to get broad and round shoulders!

The shoulder training is the most tricky of all, some say, you shouldn't train them since the rear deltoid is already being trained during back day and the parts during chest day, however,that's not true you will need to train them, to see visible results. The technique I'm here to discuss is that of side Lateral Raises. Just pick up a Dumbell with which you can easily perform 50 repetitions of side Lateral Raises. Perform 6 sets of 30 repetitions with the same weight with 2 minutes rest in between on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. You'll see noticeable results within 2 months for sure.