The most important component you're missing while aspiring to grow your biceps!
People train insanely hard for a small muscle like biceps, but forget the most important aspect of fundamental training itself.
There are two components in a exercise movement , that is , contraction and stretch.
While focusing hard on the contraction part, people do not emphasize that much on the stretch part.
So, next time when you hit biceps, make sure to lessen that weight and have a nice and good 2 seconds dead hold on those dumbells or barbells.
Also, an additional tip I want to share is that, at the end of the set, you can go all out for a stretch.
For example,
You are curling a 10 kg Dumbell for 10 reps, then, at the end of the 10th rep do not drop the weight for maximum timings preferably 30-45 seconds for that maximum load on your biceps and notice the difference.
This is applicable to each and every bicep exercises be it a bodyweight or additional weight exercises.
Focusing on the eccentric holds as much as importance when training such a small muscle part which requires much of a precision training method that traditional heavy training.