How do I achieve vascular and bigger looking forearms?
Vascular and impressive forearms are the most in demand when concerning the fitness industry, in India, it is trained and aspired for just like the "six pack abs", people assume that, just like abs, this muscle also requires training at the end of the session.
However, that is partially true.
Kudos to those with smaller frame, in other words, those with smaller bone structure, even a smaller growth in the forearms will look very impressive on such people.
So, in order to develop these muscles, you need to constantly train them, just like other body parts but with much lesser volume.
Dead hang is the most effective exercise to achieve the result, but, there is no sure shot direct relation between forearm growth and this exercise but it ultimately strengthens the grip.
Give at least 3-4 sets of training to your forearms 3 times a week for growth.
And, indulge yourselves in heavy compound exercises like deadlift, which had helped significantly in my forearm development.
Exercises like strict curls put a great emphasis on your forearms, so train with them heavy.
Russian dips are really great for developing that striated forearms look.