7 Indicators to know whether you are strong enough
If you are able to perform the following things(not back to back though), then you can consider yourself strong and fit enough.
Perform 5 Pull-ups, touching your lower chest to the bar.
Deadlift 2 times your bodyweight for at least 3 Repetitions.
Eg. If you weigh 50 Kgs, you must be able to perform deadlift with 100 kgs for 3 Reps.
Bench Press your bodyweight for at least 6 Reps.
Squat your bodyweight for at least 6 Reps.
Full pushups for at least 40 Reps non-stop.
Dead Hang for at least 50 Seconds.
Plank hold for at least 2.5 minutes.
Performing or training for achieving these goals will strengthen your whole body and increase your bodyweight lifting capacity as well.